I'll probably be shot for this, but I'd get the M60s out of those 3. I have the M50s as well as the M80s and M22s, and I've heard the M60s. The M22s, M60s, and M80s are pretty similar in terms of soundstage, imaging, and general sound. The M50s are good, and certainly have more bass than M22s. They're not quite as detailed (although we're really splitting hairs here) and the soundstage isn't quite as good. Either that or they're more picky about placement.

Caveat: I have the M50tis. It's certainly possible that the M50v2s have significant improvements.

Either the M50s or the M60s will take care of you as far as bass for music, and should be adequate as far as HT, as long as you're not expecting anything seriously rumbly.

I am the Doctor, and THIS... is my SPOON!