Originally Posted By: PeterChenoweth
Order 'em already! \:\)

My wife read me an article from the paper while we were driving about a new article called "The Tyranny of Choice". The theme was about decision making process. It was boiled down to two types - Maximizers (those who always aim to make the best possible choice) and Satisficers (sic) (Those who aim for good enough whether better selections might be out there). The Maximizers agonize over choices and decisions - and are generally not as happy after making the decision. The Satisficers generally made decisions that met their basic criteria and then moved on and were generally happier post decision. I realized that she was targeting the "Speaker Decision" - as it has come to be called. So.....when I got home, I ordered the Cinnamon Beech and quit agonizing over the Vassallos. So.....T Minus 4 weeks....

Last edited by Argon; 04/26/09 11:33 PM.

"A fanatic is someone who can't change his mind and won't change the subject" Churchill