Originally Posted By: grunt
First off, very nice room/equipment!

Second, ever consider keeping the speakers and upgrading the WAF? ;\) Can’t find a way to buy her off on this one…second honeymoon…gotta be something.

Thanks...she has been pretty good the last couple of years with my whims and hobbies, and we have a 22 month old that is all over the place, so I am ready (in this house anyways) to go with something a little less intrusive. I will give Axiom a call next week and see what they think.

 Originally Posted By: grunt
Seriously, the W22s should be perfect for your situation. The only question is if you like the way Axiom speakers sound and based on other things you’ve said it seems like you will. As you already are aware you’re going to take a big hit in sound quality and imaging by doing this so it might take some getting use to no matter what brand of speakers you buy.


I think they will work well even though I have not heard Axioms before. I am very familiar with Paradigm, as I had a Monitor 7, CC370, and Mini system before the NAD/VS system. I was shocked when I took my Paradigm Monitor 7's into my AV guys place to listen to them side by side with Monitor Audio and the Vons that I ended up with - not a fair comparison, but the Monitors sounded like a blanket was draped over them. I have listened to quite a few Signature and Reference Series Paradigm speakers, and they (obviously) are a better comparison to what I have now and if the Axioms are similar to those, that should work out well for me. I listened to some in wall Paradigm Reference SA-30's (powered by a Denon receiver) in a room very similar to mine and I was very impressed. (Granted the imaging was not quite as good and the depth was not there, and the mid bass was thinner sounding) but that is if I am being very, very critical...I could easily live with those SA-35's and be quite happy (reason I am not going that route is because they will not fit in my space between the windows and the cutout). I doubt the comparison between the W22's and the Paradigm Reference SA-30's is quite fair, but this is used mostly for movies and tv watching with music in there during parties or when the wife and kid are out of the house...I gonna order some with the 30 day money back guarantee....you can't beat that imo, so we will see what happens