Has anyone used (or heard of?) a 10 watt sub before? According to the math, a 10 watt sub could generate a 50hz drum beat at 90 db (at 12 feet I think, according to JohnK's calc). I just can't imagine that. After only two decades of daily use of stereo equipment (including many subs and amps) and AVRs, I think the math formula has a gaping hole. It may be right for a test tone, but for a real drum beat, or bass guitar, or LFE - or a constant series of those notes? Axiom thinks you need 500 watts for one 12" driver to recreate bass notes. Why?

And if more than 10 watts is needed for subs, then why not for a tower that is trying to make the full range of music when I have the sub turned off? Something is missing in this discussion. I'm not saying the formula is wrong, but perhaps not all encompassing. It just does not reflect reality as observed by so many.

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire