Originally Posted By: Argon

To this day when I drive fast over a bump that causes the car to lift I exclaim "Rat Patrol". Also, one of my early memories is playing "Combat" with my best friend. I have not seen "Combat" since the 60's - all I remember is that Vic Morrow played "Sarge". How does that show hold up?

If you can get past the B&W of the early seasons (no problem for me) I think it does really well. I’d say I still like it better than “Band of Brothers” for the stories, however BoB wins on the technical side.

Something I didn’t remember as a kid was that some of the episodes were really very antiwar. I also forgot how much stock footage of cannons firing and other stuff they reused all the time.

It’s also interesting to go back and see all the people who made guest appearances.

I remember when we played I always wanted to be Kirby and have the B.A.R. but always got stuck being the Lieutenant cause I was best at figuring things out and giving orders.

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