Originally Posted By: mike romo
The speakers have arrived! I am at my office now and I can't leave but hopefully I can get the mounted and installed tonight. My wife's home--total disaster, she wasn't supposed to be--so there might be a delay in my reporting, but I am very excited...!

I tried pulling something similar off, much to no avail...lol Anyways, now I just suck up and ask her, like I did when I ordered my 4's. FWIW...in my short time with them, they've really change the dynamics of my entire room. The sound has become more alive and open, instead of coming directly at you as it did with bookshelf speakers. I guess its always exciting buying new stuff and even when you move into your new place and think you have finally arrived it will happen again...lol .
Regards, Bill.... \:\) & BTW CONGRATS!!

Last edited by billy p; 09/04/09 08:44 PM. Reason: congrats added