Hi Chris, welcome to the forum.

I feel your indecision as a couple of weeks ago, I was the one that couldn't decide which speaker to get so my first advice to you will be what most people told me: "If you can, go listen for yourself". That's what I did last week. If you are in the GTA, it not that bad, 2h30 drive thru the country side and you'll be able to listen to any speaker you want and have a factory tour. I went with a friend of mine and we both enjoyed the day.

As for between M60s and M80s, I have a mixed comment. Since you intend to do 50% movies and 50% video games + music (including hip hop and pop), I would think that the M80 would be best. The M60s have good an accurate bass, however it's not as deep and pronounce as the M80s which will help you for movies until you get a sub and for music like hip hop. You can read what I thought about both speakers here: http://www.axiomaudio.com/boards/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=284419&fpart=14
Now my concern is about feeding the M80s with mp3s, I am not sure that you will like the result. As Adrian said, poorly recorded material will show and the M60s in that case might be a better choice. For instance, with the M80s, I have CDs (original and purchased :)) that sound terrible, but on the other hand I have some that sound wonderful.
So in your particular case, I would strongly recommend that you listen to Axiom for yourself, take material that you would typically listen an watch and see if you like the result.



"The problem is choice..."