Thanks for all the replies! I figured the downloaded music would probably be a lose, lose situation with any decent system I buy - I've just been so use to playing this stuff off of my computer, picking and choosing individual songs - it's very convenient!

I'm in the Ottawa area so it would probably be cheaper to get a few speakers shipped to me, then return the ones I choose not to keep. Unless I make a weekend trip of it of course!

Surrounds will be purchased for my next house, the QS series of course, as I mentioned in my post I have 2 rear speakers being mounted in the ceiling and can't change that now. (Made that decision prematurely).

I think I'm leaning towards the M60's for now, and with the extra money saved vs the M80's I can upgrade to the VP150. I wouldn't have to worry about a sub for now, and running the M80's with my Pio receiver. Some have mentioned that the M60's may hide my crappy music a little better too! Funny thing, on this forum many seem to think there is little difference between the VP100 and VP150, but when googling other forums many are saying the upgrade is worth while! Thanks for that link bdfp, I'll read through that when I get the chance!

Thanks for the warm welcomes!

Last edited by Chris23; 01/17/10 06:07 PM.