That is satisfying... I thought that after the weekend (3 days as I am off Monday), I would have SACD playing synchronized with SqueezeCenter, but only playing "whole disks" with possibly "skipping tracks"... Well, after four hours of work tonight, I have more than 80% fully working.

I have loaded a playlist with a mixed of CD tracks (scanned on file server and played through sqzBox), SACD works (single tracks, or multiple tracks) or either and both of my 400-SACD disk changer... And it works. Whenever an SACD is about to play, the player is powered up if it is not already (squeezecenter is "paused" while this is happening and all play/pause/stop are rejected), the proper disk is selected if it is not already, the proper program is selected on the pre/pro (I use different settings if the disk is multi-channel, stereo-solo or duo and stereo-larger ensemble) and the correct track is selected. On track change in SqueezeCenter, if it is not contiguous (on the same disk), the new track is selected... and so on!

Apart from a .5 seconds discrepency between the disk "playing" in squeezecenter (the CD-side of the SACD) which cannot be helped, it works fine! So I will spend the weekend building "smart" algorithms trying to "prepare" the players in advance (now it has to power and select disk when it is about to play) and maybe even insert a bank of "in between CD tracks" to be inserted automatically when I build the playlist.

The only "oops" is "track skipping" with contiguous tracks. Since the track increases+1, the soft thinks it is a normal transition and let it the SACD continue without change. There is a "jump+1" message from SqueezeCenter so I will be OK, but it is those small glitches I still need to iron out.

Now the REAL fun begins! \:\)

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