I'm very enthusiastic about 3D. So enthusiastic that I bought a PS3 when I learned that it would be capable of playing 3D blu-rays, and I just bought a Pioneer vsx-1020 for its ability to switch HDMI 1.4a signals (including 3D BD and 3D TV). But I'm not quite enthusiastic enough to go ahead and buy a 3D TV just yet. Maybe next Spring.

I haven't seen any of the new Sharp 4 color displays, but I find their product literature pretty persuasive. One of the advantages they claim is extra brightness, in part because our eyes are more sensitive to green-yellow than to R, G, or B, and since shutter glasses cut out more than half the light, brightness is very important to glasses-based 3D displays.

I'll also be very interested to see what Vizio comes up with this Summer -- they've made some interesting claims.

Since I'm a rather frugal person, my first 3D display might turn out to be one of the (essentially obsolete) DLP displays. At any rate, for me, the question is not about "if", but (as people say about the next killer asteroid) "when".

VP180, M80s, M22s, QS8(4), CSW S305s, EP500, Pioneer VSX-90
M2i, M3(2), Pio vsx-1020