shows several in the area.

My thoughts are that the official Axiom Day is one day only, yet I'll be there for 4 or 5 days. That being the case, I'd rather stay in nearby Huntsville, where there are restaurants and pubs for get-togethers all the other times. I'm likely to stay at the Holiday Inn Express because I'm looking for clean and simple, with internet and breakfast included. I'm not a "four star" guy, but neither am I a "cabin in the woods" guy. (Been there, done that, had snakes in the ceiling!)

Links aren't working, copy and paste:[0]=0&searchParams.rooms[0].numberOfAdults=1&asaReport=HomePage%3A%3ANoSuggest&page=1&dayInMonthCheckIn=9&fromDisambiguation=false&destinationForLandmark&monthCheckIn=9&activeTab=DESTINATION&dayInMonthCheckOut=12&lat=0.0&rooms=1

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::