Originally Posted By: MarkSJohnson
 Originally Posted By: wheelz999
she did state rather emphatically that we are to be off the resort and the mingling is elsewhere, at which time I told her that everything is planned at the plant.

Cam, I'm not sure if I'm understanding this correctly. Are you saying that she was not very open to us "hanging around" the resort?

I'm just looking for a place to sleep with a roof over my head. As far as mingling with the wedding folks (can you say "Wedding Crashers"?), no biggie. We'll have a pretty sizable group and Saturday is spoken for, probably at Ian Manor. Friday night, I'm guessing we'll find a restaurant/watering hole to spend time and get to know each other.

By the time this is all done, we are going to wonder what we were fussing about. \:\)

Now the big question. Are we going to try and talk to each other while we are there, or just post back & forth on our laptops?