I signed up with Zip.ca, one of the "rent DVDs by mail" companies up here. First disk was shipped, didn't arrive but a little envelope (obviously junk mail) did show up and got duly tossed in the junk mail pile. After a week I filled out a "disk no show" form and received the obligatory lecture about informing police, Canada Post, CSIS, Interpol etc, then second disk was shipped out. Didn't arrive either, but more junk mail.

By this time I'm getting a bit PO'ed that the junk mail can get here but my DVDs can't. Rather than just tossing the junk mail this time I open to see what's so damn important and find...

... the second DVD. Never occurred to me that they would ship without a protective case, just a DVD in an envelope. For some reason I thought DVDs would be bigger wink

Go home, dig through the junk mail pile, and find the first DVD.

OK, everyone move along, nothing to see here...

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8