Nick, I did have my PB13 Ultra on while listening.

Casey, thanks for bringing up the sensitivity difference. I had considered it, but dismissed it as I was thinking about only better SQ on the outer seats so the M2 would be able to reach those areas with better SPL than the VP180 was doing, however it might be a wash as the difference in sensitivity is about the same as the drop in SPL at that seat. But as you said running the center channel M2 through a seperate amp with volume control(pro amp) would solve this problem quite nicely. I still might try this today we will see, the chores for the day are already starting to pile up, more snow arrived overnight frown

Thanks Bruno, I think it is a very nice fit, much better than the VP150 smile

One other test I had thought of doing was stand the VP180 up on end and try it as another M80.

M80 v2
VP160 v3
QS8 v2
PB13 Ultra
Denon 3808
Samsung 85" Q70