Originally Posted By: icehawk21

So are you saying the VP180 is the better speaker from a dynamics perspective whereas the M2 is better for ensuring better dispersion across all seats?

Yes Bryan, that is what Jason is saying. It’s also why he and I both believe an M80 or M60 center is superior to a VP180 if you have seating that is far off center. I think that using M2s above and a VP180 below is an interesting idea to get the best of both designs when not able to use a tower center.

IMO if you are not hearing any horizontal dispersion related issues like a drop in SPL when moving off center then unless you have an exceptionally tall screen I don’t think you would benefit from an over under M2/VP180 arrangement and would just stick to the VP180. The advantage of over/under for a very large screen is it will center most of the center channel information (except for the bass which is less directional anyway) on the screen. IMO it gives you a more “wall-of-sound” effect that is more movie theater like than just putting speakers below a screen. A similar but not as tall “wall-of-sound” can be achieved by using an AT screen and putting the speakers behind it.

3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1