Hey guys, I just had a rather frustrating conversation with a Bell representative regarding the data usage reflected on my bill. Basically, last month's bill denoted that I used 211 MB of data, out of my 500 MB data cap.

Here's what I don't understand-

I was in bed all of last month, my phone is literally right in front of me, and I did absolutely no Internet surfing whatsoever. But, on my bill, it shows that I have at least two or three charges for every single day of the month which adds up to 211 MB.

Firstly, I have data turned off, and my phone uses my wireless Internet connection. That said, it's my understanding that if I'm using my Internet connection, I should not be using up data from my phone's service provider (Bell), but instead I'm using the data from my Internet provider. Isn't this correct?

The Bell representative told me that even if I'm using my home's wireless Internet, I still use up my data from Bell because the data is going through my phone. Literally, that's what he said. This absolutely ticked me off because it doesn't make any sense whatsoever to me. It's not the way I understand how things work, and I feel like he's way out in left field. I also told him that some of the charges have time stamps of the early morning, but this doesn't make sense because my phone is turned off at 10-11 PM every night. Then he proceeded to tell me that all of that data charges are in Greenwich Mean Time (although he said "German Mean Time, or whenever it is in Britain"), so the times on my bill are actually 4-5 hours different from our time. This also doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.

And regarding the 211 MB of data usage. How the heck can I rack that much up when all I'm receiving is e-mail notifications?

You guys should see my bill, it's absolutely absurd. If it would help make sense of what's going on, I'll happily post a picture of the charges.

I'm really, really frustrated. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much,

Edit-I just looked over my bill again, and the charges that are in the early morning, are on a Sunday, so I could have gone out that Saturday night (assuming that the bill isn't in GMT, but rather EST).

Last edited by wheelz999; 01/06/11 01:42 AM.

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.