
3) Are you sure you are on Wifi? One way to check is to disable your wifi network (or disconnect your broadband modem) and then try to browse on your phone. If it still browses, then that means you are actually using the data network.

I see what you’re getting at here but it might not be as simple as turning off your network. When I have the WiFi on my phone enabled it defaults to it when available but automatically reverts to G3 or regular cell if the WiFi drops out because say I hit a dead zone in my house or walk to the mailbox down the street. I forgot which phone you are using Cam but it may have an icon at the top which shows how you are sending and receiving data, my Galaxy S does.

Sorry I can’t help you with any advice Cam since my data usage option only has unlimited data so I don’t worry about usage. I just use WiFi at home because it’s usually faster if I’m not using up my bandwidth doing other downloads.

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