I had a similar experience to Randy and his "soccer mom in a mini-van" an hour ago. I was crossing Bovaird, a local six laner, driving in the centre lane of the three eastbound lanes,trying to get over to the right in order to turn onto the 410. There were a couple of cars beside me including an old geezer in a Toyota Camry. There was a large gap in front of him so I sped up a little in my Z71 and signalled to get into the turn lane onto the 410 but the old fart kept speeding up to try and block me. So, anyway, my 1 ton has some pretty aggressive tires and I'm also in 4WD on these greasy roads, so I easily got ahead of him and merged into the turn off lane. UH OH! Billy Joe Jim Bob don't like that...he pulls around to my left with the intention of passing me and cutting back in front of me in the turn lane. UH OH! old fart loses control, does about 5 fishies down the centre of Bovaird, narrowly missing the truck in front of us....I had to stop my truck....as much as I would have liked to T-bone this old f*ck(and this is an instance the law should allow me to do so, imo), I slowed right down and let him back in. I'm sure he crapped his depends in the meantime. After giving him a round of applause, I continued on my way to do some errands before realising I had left my wallet/licence/insurance at home....good thing I didn't paste the old geezer into the guardrail, afterall.

Half of communication is listening. You can't listen with your mouth.