In Tulsa and surrounding Oklahoma areas they do have plenty snow plows, sand, salt etc. However, since the entire state was hit it has really extended beyond their resources. They plow all of the highways and main streets first, working from the inside lanes out. They leave these huge piles of snow on the exit ramps and turn ins into parking lots and neighborhoods. Many cars get stuck in these piles at the exit ramps and turn ins.

I got my jeep out a little this morning and drove about a mile and saw 3 stuck/abandoned cars and I drove down a very flat street. I assume that hilly areas are really loaded up with cars.

Someone we know was driving a fed ex delivery truck yesterday morning and got stuck at 8:00 AM. They were stuck in their vehicle until the national guard came and got him at 4:30 this morning and took him to a hotel. His truck is still stuck.

My Aunt got stranded on the highway and when she called 911 they said it was a 24 hour response time. She left her car and started walking down the highway... fortunately someone picked her up and took her home.
