It is great to hear this from others. I have had the exact same experience. I keep looking for just my newer cd's and musical dvd's when I really want to enjoy my 60's. I was a bit disappointed at first with the flat sound that was coming out when I would put in some older live recordings and some of the classical music. But you guys hit it on the head, if the speakers are telling the truth, which seems quite apparent that they are, then the recording is just not that good.

I also agree that having axiom's and really listening to things does make you a more trained listener and of course that leads to a more critical listener. (Note: Don't bag on your buddies inferior systems, just brag about your own!)

Once again this forum gives me relief that others experience the same things as I.

Again, if you haven't tried it yet, the best live album I have tried is "Dave Matthews Band and Tim Reynolds Live at Luther College". The acoustic guitar sounds so good it is ridiculous.

M60's, VP150, M22ti's, Hsu sub