Originally Posted By: nickbuol
It seems that we are to openly accept Hindus, Muslims, Islams, Buddhists, witches, warlocks, atheists, vegetarians, carnivores, and Bose owners, however as soon as someone mentions God or Jesus, that is unacceptable and inconsiderate of everyone who believes differently.

While I (always) appreciate everyone's input, it's funny how, being all guys, no one got to the heart of the matter as the client (a woman) saw it.

It's only an ecclesiastic issue to the electrician. She couldn't care less. What did offend her, however, penis brains, was that he openly told an educated, single, successful, professional, indepedent woman that he thought he had a right (as a man) to demand that Washington allow him, and all men, to tell women what they can and cannot to do with their bodies.

It was mondo sexist to her. It was not a religious offense.
It was just cloaked in one. He could have told her (or almost any of my peeps) that he went to a great church-sponsored retreat over the weekend and blah, blah. That would not likely involve a stance on abortion being mindlessly presented to a woman.

Motorboaters, indeed!

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.