If it makes anyone feel better:

I live in a sea of post-its. By the 3rd day, regardless of the flourescent colors, the newest among them have become wallpaper and, therefore, ignored.

I leave 'em on the bathroom mirror. Gotta see that one right away in the a.m., right? Not by day 3.

Whatever I need to take with me when I leave in the morning is no longer on a list. I'd misplace it. What I need is piled blocking the door so I can't get out without it. Really? To open the door, I've had to move stuff first. Then, left for the day without it, 'cause it was behind the same f'n door.

If I go up a flight of stairs for 3 things and come back with only one----ten minutes later---then it must be sunny outside.

Stuff's written on the calendar in color codes (medical, social, professional, etc). If I didn't write it there 5 minutes ago, I won't remember to even look at the calendar as those dates approach.

I made plans to have lunch on Friday with Chris, even though I've been going on here about the electrician on FRIDAY for two days.

I think it's all because I have far more important things on my mind, though I'll be damned if I know what they are. That's the problem! I have too many things ON my mind and too few IN it!!

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.