It's pretty simple for me...I've just decided the vast majority of CD's aren't worth it, so I don't buy them. If I don't like the whole album, it's not worth the $15. So, there's only two ways I will buy for the rare times I do (1 CD a year I'd guess). Reason 1, it's from a band that I know and love and am relatively sure I'm gonna like the entire CD (example being the upcoming NIN album coming out later this year...I'll buy that the day it comes out). Reason 2, there is the rare radio song that I just love so much and can't get out of my head that I'll go out and buy the rest of the album. In this case, I'm not as sure I'll like it all, but I generally do when there is one song I like that much.

Other then that, I'll stick to the sidelines and hope prices drop. If more people did it this way, sales would drop a lot, and prices would need to follow. I don't see anyone convincing the masses to stop buying music anytime soon though....too many people just accept that the price is the price and buy it anyway.