Murph, that granite-topped saw came out just after I bought my iron-topped saw. Initial reports were a little rough, with some chips in the granite, missing pieces in the box, etc. That was several years ago. I used to hang out on a Ridgid forum and I also remember that those who got a saw with an undamaged top, etc. liked it very much.

If Googling for info gives you the impression that Ridgid got through those "new-model blues", I'd say go for it. IIRC, your budget was $500 and this isn't that much more. I'm a little older than you, but my feeling at this point is that if I buy a good quality tool now, I'll be using it for 20 years if not the rest of my life. So why not spend a little more to get above the minimum and have a saw that you enjoy using...rather than one that frustrates you with shortcomings?

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::