I got my set from Amazon.com today. Sacrilege, but I haven't put in any of the original trilogy yet. I put in Phantom Menace to try out the audio in the pod race scene. Sounds very good, with plenty of bass. I've definitely been finding the limits of my receiver's power output. Whenever there's too much going on with the sound, the output seems to diminish. Can't stay as loud as it's supposed to. It'll be nice when I get some more serious amplification again. I any case, I can verify the crappy video quality in Episode I. I'm not even terribly picky, but the lack of fine detail was obvious.

Then I put in Episode III just to see the difference in video quality. It definitely looked better, but I need a projector like Dean so I can fully appreciate it. smile The space battle scene I was watching didn't nearly have the bass levels of the pod race, so I'll have to try out some more scenes.

And now I have to be quiet, so I'll get back to it tomorrow. But I have other stuff to watch, too, so I could be distracted.