I started to watch a few scenes last night so I could compare against the HBO Tivo (Series 3) recordings I've been saving for a while.

Vs the Blu Ray, the audio remixes in DTS HD are done very well, even in Ep IV. My Tivo plays the Dolby Digital track but it's not even close to the BR.

For PQ, Phantom Menace was no comparison. I thought the PQ was fantastic on my uncalibrated Panny VT30 (THX mode).

However, I did notice something disappointing on Ep IV, curious if anyone else noticed. When R2D2 and C3PO just landed on Tatooine, they're walking around the sunny desert. During the scenes when the sun reflects strongly on C3PO, I found the scenes REALLY blurry, even having sort of a 3D effect to it when you aren't wearing the glasses. I thought my plasma went into 3D mode but it didn't. The previous scenes on Rebel ship were fine, detail was high but this follow on scene was pretty bad. Anyone else notice that?

Last edited by oldskoolboarder; 09/19/11 04:15 PM.