Excellent Randy! I'm glad I was able to help. Let the folks at Axiom walk through the room size dimensions and speaker choices with you. I think you'll find quite a spread of input on the forum for the choice between M60/M80 based on room size.

Your choice of an SVS sub is also a good one, but let me ask - did you talk to the folks at SVS? I had decided on a 25-31 PC+, but they talked me down to a 20-39PCi. This saved me some $$$, but most important is that 1) they gave me the straight skinny, 2) they spent 40 minutes on the phone with me to determine what the best choice was and 3) displayed the kind of Customer care that Axiom gets well-deserved kudos for. By the way, I have a 16x22x10 room that opens into a 14x20 kitchen. I have the gain on the 20-39 at about 45% and there is plenty left if I need it.

In either the PCi or Plus line, the 20-39 is an excellent choice between the 16-46 (goes lower) and the 25-31 (more headroom for volume). I eliminated the 25-31 because top end volume wasn't a priority (and that extra headroom would take you to skull-crushing LFE anyhow). The 16-46 went away because there isn't enough 16hz LFE out there to worry about. The 20-39 was the Goldilocks choice for me - just right. I'm mentioning all of this to you to see if I can interest you in calling SVS and allow them to fine tune your choice.

I subscribe to the theory that spending money on HT should yield something you are happy with - not "almost happy". On the other end, I stop spending when I begin to pay for things I don't need (beyond happy) or that only the dog will be able to enjoy because of her heightened senses. There is yet another saying that "You can't have TOO much bass". My preference was to get enough LFE , but not buy more than I needed. Sift through all of it and get the sub you need (or just want).

Keep us up to speed with what happens going forward. Do you have any idea when the 3805 will show up?