Hmmm.. All this light side / dark side talk has me confused.

What side are us Unix geeks on? The flip side? The egde? Yeah, I think the edge is probably right.

At home, I'm a dark sider. M$ ripped off so many Unix ideas and commands that I can run XP in command prompt mode and forget all about being on the light side. At least when I accidentally type "ls -l", XP still gives me the listing I want.

Besides that, I actually like Bill Gates. He is a shrewd guy that took the cards he was dealt, and played them to the max. I envy, despise, hate, admire, and wish him well all at the same time. He won the game, period. That's why most of us can't stand him. I sure wish I were him.

Mac, FWIW - I'll give another heads up on the 60s.

Thanks for all of the sub talk folks. I will be ordering my SVS this week. I was thinking 20-39+ until the Ultra came out. The pictures of the Ultra driveron their web site make me drool - it's not pretty. Seems to me that it would be bottom proof on my (or anyone else's) system. Did SVS even mention the Ultra when you called, Mac?

I'm not sure if any of you saw this but it's kind of neat to hear them talking about the guys in the control room. SVS on TechTV .

M- M60s/VP150/QS8s/SVS PC-Ultra/HK630 Sit down. Shut up. Listen.