Sounds sort of like my HD-DVD player when I would put in a regular DVD with my previous setup. I was using component cables for it and HDMI for my blu-ray player (didn't have an HDMI capable receiver at the time, and only one HDMI connection). Anyway, any time that I tried to play a DVD it would tell me on screen that the output was limited to 480p since I wasn't using HDMI. Not a huge deal since it was a DVD and my projector "upconverted" things pretty well on its own, but it was due to lacking copy protection of the analog signal.

So I can see this as something that the legals in the movie industry would push for, but as for if it is purely some guy's speculation, or maybe he read some online "prediction", or maybe it being actual truth is something that I wouldn't worry about yet.

Farewell - June 4, 2020