I'm with Bilbo. Purchase the hardware to mount the QS8s where they will work the best. Wait until she leaves the house to go shopping or something, and mount the speakers while she's out. Don't mention it at all from that point on. IF she complains about it, tell her that you didn't spend $470 on a set of speakers so that you could mount them under the couch where they are out of sight, but sound terrible. She'll get over it. As for "trading in" something that you like now to get something else that you like, forget about it. What's next? Trading dinner for sleep? Cutting the grass for sex? Ok... bad example... a few years ago I lived next to a little sweety that didn't own a lawnmower. I made that trade (quite a few times) and it was well worth it . But with a wife, that's a different story - you should get sex either way, tall grass or not. Ceiling mounted speakers or not.

My girlfriend was laughing about all of the boxes, and the size of the speakers. I (jokingly - sort of) warned her that she either learn to like my new setup, or she could leave. She's still here. She even brought me a few beers while I was working on setting them up.

A lot of guys do it to themself. They play that mister sensitive, politically correct, in touch with their feelings crud to get the girl, then they have to spend their whole dang life living up to it so as not to get divorced. If a girl won't date you because you won't place that game then you are better off walking away from the get-go. (OR - at least only play it for as long as it takes to get a good one nighter out of her). It's funny. Both men and women get on "their best behavior" when they first start dating. Over time, bits and pieces of the "real them" show up as they get comfortable and start forgetting to keep up the act. Sooner or later, I am going to find that at the 2 year mark, I have the same exact woman that I started with on day 1. SHE will become the wife. Until then, the speakers stay, the girl is in the "evaluation period". See? Don't fret, Bilbo. We're still here, just not in the numbers we used to be. Put us on the endangered species list, though.

And always remember Michael's #1 piece of information that all electronically oriented males need to know:

"If it has tits or transistors, sooner or later there WILL be problems."

(If you are a mechanically oriented type of guy, change "transistors" to "tires" - the rule still applies.)

Fetch me a Bass, woman.
(the beer, not the frequency range)

Hehe... I just realized that any HT oriented women that may be reading this forum have most likely "black listed" me by now. I guess I will have to go to a different forum if I decide to go wife shopping online...

M- M60s/VP150/QS8s/SVS PC-Ultra/HK630 Sit down. Shut up. Listen.