Originally Posted By: Ray3
Originally Posted By: oakvillematt
Originally Posted By: BobKay
There's no such thing as "fun for the whole family," because there are no massage parlors that give out free jewelry and ice cream. Jerry Seinfeld

Well, I'm going if for little more than morbid curiosity of who this Bob fellow is and to find out if he is so much fun in real life as he is online.


Since you are the only person who will openly admit to seeking Bob out (on purpose), PLEASE do the rest of us a great service and pack LOTS of duct tape. Everyone will appreciate having Bob wrapped up; we can just fasten him to one of the roof supports on Ian's deck.

Well, OK, everyone will appreciate it except Bob.

Hmmm, if Murph packs in more of that Canadian moonshine hooch and Chess drinks enough to go brain dead again, it might even be fun to suspend Bob from the ceiling and tell Chess he's a pinata.

Boy, this could be a GREAT event!!!

Love ya Bob!!! grin

See, Matt, there it is! Do you know how many people have "privately booked" time with me in Dwight already?!
My app runneth over, so hurry and get on the sign-up sheet as quickly as you can. (There it is, taped to Ray's back, right above the "Kick Me" sign.)

Love ya, Ray!!

(Emoticons will soon begin taking hostages. You mark my words)

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.