Petre, to put your musician's mind at rest... I even read the "pro" reviews on the M22's ... In both cases, the reviewer agreed with you in that the width of the soundstage was wider than the speakers, they also said that the depth was disappointing and shallow.

By using a slight toe-in, I achieved an excellent balance between width and depth. If you note, I was very positive about the depth of the speaker. They also noted the speakers were tilted up in the treble, and likely to get harsh in a large room (their words, not mine). I have a large room.

Also, while I admire the fact you are a musician, there is something no musician will seem to acknowledge... you have NO idea what the music sounds like when you are on on stage. That is why orchestras have conductors and Rock and large Jazz bands sound engineers (I was one for years)... We make you guys sound GOOD to the people listening.

I treat a speaker or subwoofer the same way I do a singer... get the best sound possible from that component or individual...