Originally Posted By: nickbuol

"Dad, can you run to the video store and get 27 Dresses"... Sure, something to get away from the chaos and into the peacefulness of my car for the long 3 minute drive. :-)

Anyway, the video store only has it on DVD... FULL SCREEN DVD to be precise.

Oh well, it isn't like *I* am watching it.

So they are all happy, and they are watching the movie while I literally spend the entire run time of the movie, and then some, cleaning up from dinner.

OK, ok... back on track.

At one point I go into the theater room and see how they are doing. I look at the screen.. YUCK. Not only does it have wide black bars on the right and left of the image, but the quality is, well... DVD.

And in there lies the crux of truth. Out of the collection of people watching the movie, one out of the (10+) could not give a hoot that it was on DVD (and in a butchered full screen version at that)

The rental store that you got it from knows that and figures that to carry a movie they need to provide to the lowest common denominator that is DVD that will get the widest viewing audience as blu ray plays dvd but not the other way around.

So you bring in that third format and what is going to happen. break it down into the two parts.

1. Given enough time the cost of the UHD TV's will fall that they will become more common in the average house because that is the only option there is to buy (talking 10-15 years).

2. Nickbuol and a select few will get the new UHD Blu Ray format. The cost of manufacturing will fall over time, but the movie companies will still charge a premium for the format as they figure that you are getting a premium product so you must pay the premium price. People buy on price and as long as DVD is a good 40-50% less cost that a blu ray then they will buy that format. The movie companies are screwing themselves as in quite a few cases it cost them more to master it on DVD as it cost to do the same movie on blu ray. pressing costs are identical. They probably could make more money to kill off DVD releases and just sell blu ray.

Most people can't and won't give a hoot about if it looks better or not. I rented a cottage for a week and they had a 50" LCD flat screen tv in the main room with a VCR hooked up to it and a stack of movies. It was horid to even try and watch and thank goodness that I brought my own laptop with a bunch of .mkv movies on it and used the HDMI cable from the cable decoder hookup. The advert said large TV and a whole load of great movies.

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