People still want hard copy media. Those who buy bluray citing quality as the reason will buy Ultra blurays. Amazon still sells tons of CDs (and now vynil) for heavens sakes. It is still profitable.

Isnt part of the new spec being backwards compatible to avoid all of the pitfalls mentioned? ie. An Ultra bluray will play in a standard current gen bluray player.

I think the average person would be perfectly happy with current technology as you say (whatever is current to them.) Progressive enthusiasts in any hobby drive it forward and ultimately benefit everyone in the end -If for nothing else to drive the AV quality of created content higher.

I dont know just how many people I have "awakened" since getting into AV nuttery. What I can say is upon meeting friends of friends for the first time I get "youre the guy I need to ask about this". I'm sure we all get that to some extent. People are curious, if not excited, after a cutting edge (for them) demo.

These technologies are shaping the future of home entertainment. Most people wont know what theyre missing until they first experience it. Mass consumption may not be on a spinning disc, but the digital streams will soon be next gen formats anyhow.