I put a 256 GB SSD in my desktop 21 months ago with the same trepidation you are experiencing, Mike. Seemed mighty small to me. I have no idea what you like to load on your computer, but, I tend to install new programs every week. In addition to my operating system and a ton of programs, I have:

58.2 GB of Music
7.9 GB of Videos
5.62 GB of Documents
4.26 GB of Pictures

Of the 221 GB available on the hard drive, I've used 166 GB of space and have 55 GB free and available. I also have an external, 1TB, hard drive (@$75) standing by for all that music if I ever need more space on my desktop hard drive. If I move that music to the external hard drive, I would have 113 GB of free space out of the 221 GB available on the drive. So, for me, 256 GB has been no problem. YMMV.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton