But, the M60s should sound good with my vintage Sansui or Marantz units, right?

I've heard lots of good stuff about the Andrew Jones Pioneers... They're supposed to be discount speaker champions, or something like that. Worth having a pair for bedroom. Right now I'm swimming in bookshelf speakers: Polks, PSB Alphas (my favourite of the bunch), Sansuis (vintage sort-of bookshelf-sized ones), Energy Pro Series, Sound Dynamics, Realistic Minimus 7s, Bose...

But, back to the original question... Would I notice a difference between the 60s and the 60HPs? Do the HPs play much louder, or much deeper/lower bass? Or, is the effect so slight that room/placement factors end up being the bigger difference? Don't want to spend the extra money if I don't have to (can spend it on a nice clean amp or small sub if needed later), but can spend it if I need to/should.