Imagine the active LFR with a minimalist crossover. Actually, it may very well be minimalist. Will consumers soon be comparing how many DSP resources are being consumed to realize an active speaker? smile

Gene has a BSEE, was a practicing engineer, may still be for all we know, is knowledgeable and has access to test equipment and knowledgeable people. None of this however justifies this stab.

Axiom's product line-up is incredible and is continually growing. There is a speaker for every budget, taste and application. Each v4 speaker is imbued with the Axiom acoustic formula and as one climbs the price ladder, all the variables of the formula stay the same but the coefficients change to give greater image resolution, stage size, fidelity and micro and macro dynamic capability. This harmonious price and benefit scaling is non-trivial. Anyone who educates others about audio gear ought to take the time to understand what Axiom has accomplished. The best way to do that is through listening.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated