Peter - regrettably, I am still looking for a *reliable* supply of applewood chips. I buy them when I see them, in all sorts of places (hardware stores, cooking shops, closeouts at Ross or TJ Maxx, etc.).

However, I recently started to use the applewood, um, I guess you'd call it "mulch" that is designed for the Luhr Jensen Little Chief smoker. My hope is that this product will be satisfactory and will also be more widely available. It's really more like coarse sawdust than chunks. Jury is still out on that, as I'm having to tweak the proportions and method a bit.

In either case, I'm not soaking or wetting the wood product. Just put it in the foil, poke only about 4 holes in top and bottom of the pouch with the tip of a steak knife, put it on the grill (not on the flavorizers). When you start to smell the smoke (5-7 minutes?), put on the meat. It will probably give you good smoke for 10-15 minutes.

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