Shoot I'm sorry guys, I've just been under a lot of stress and haven't been making my rounds. Things are slowly starting to get better though.

As Craig mentioned, my wife had her operation this past Friday, the 23rd. Her surgery went ok. There were no problems or any complications. The tumor was removed and the doctor said she's going to make a full recovery and that she'll be fine. It's just going to take a little time is all. She was released from the hospital and was allowed to come home yesterday, Tuesday the 27th.

I consider myself a lucky man on many fronts. One, I was blessed by meeting and later marrying a truely remarkable and stong woman. She's been my rock now for going on 9 years and my world wouldn't be the same without her.

Two, I was futher blessed on November 15 2002, when my wife gave birth to our beautiful baby girl (Nicole Marie). Nothing changes a man like the birth of a child. She along with my wife is what my world revolves around. Home theater is squeezed in there somewhere too. lol

And third, yes, due to the circumstances that led me to having sell my speakers; My uncle has offered to repalce my Axioms for me. The bread was sent this past weekend and should be arriving today or tomorrow.

If I could offer any advice or if there's a lesson I've learned from all of this, it would be this:

Live each day as if it was your last, cause the truth is tomorrow is promised to nobody. Do your best to never forget where you come from, what you have, what you have lost, and everything you went through in the past. For it's all of these things that helped made you what you are today. In additon to all that, take the time, regardless of how busy you are, take the time to let your loved ones know how much you love them. Never take that nor them for granted.

Things are slowly getting better now, so you'll be seeing a lot more of me. Thank you all for your kindness, your support, and your friendship. It means more to me then what I can sit here and express in words. I greatly appreciate and treasure it all, the same way I do all of you.

Thank you, God bless, and I'll talk with you all real soon.

Sutter Cane