It's one of two things, or both, IMO.

a) Placeabo
b) Power

Receivers can be starved of power if you blast it.

And a lot of those magazines review cables saying how much they improved the soundstage and gave life to the recording. It's funny to read. I'd like to see some blind test results from all of these magazines instead of placeabo.

But.. man. Bryston 4B - 300 watts into 8 ohms. You should be _done_ with amps. I can only dream ofhaving an amp of that quality and power. Blast it without distortion and be happy.

I question wheather class A is better than a higher end receiver. I recall a post here when I was looking into the issue by alan, where he said that he used to keep his lunch on top of the amp to keep it warm.

Do you really want something taking over 500 watts up constantly when you don't need it to?

Last edited by Thasp; 08/19/04 12:30 AM.