They arrived yesterday. First impressions....

Palestrina, Missa Papae Marcelli (Preston, Archiv): sometimes the sopranos seem too resonant and harsh, something I've noticed on other systems too.

Mussorgsky, Pictures at an Exhibition (Pogorelich, DG): some high-frequency noise (breathing, some kind of striking ringing in the piano) that I hear in other speakers is not audible. I suppose that's a good thing.

Dave Brubeck, Time Out: I hear some notes in the bass I never noticed before.

Bach, Organ works (Schubler Chorales etc.) (Preston, DG): the bass melodies move pretty well and the notes are even.

Part, Tabula Rasa (Shaham, DG): the solo violin sounds a little bit like those old gramophones (the kind that the RCA dog listens to), but that's an exaggeration. This quality is the only real concern I have. Today I don't notice it as much, though.

Prokofiev, Violin Sonatas (Repin/Berezovsky, Erato): at one point I was doing something else and the violin started playing pizzicato. I was startled because I momentarily thought I heard a real violin. I wonder why a speaker should be better at reproducing plucking than bowing.

Any advice on placement (distance, toe-in, etc.)?
