[rant] I'm stunned! It never occurred to me that any state would have NO hype. This is my 15th Presidential election, and I've NEVER seen anything like this. May Ohio NEVER be a swing state again. I'm BEGGING!

You would NOT believe the assault we've been under. Back to back to back political commercials. National, state, local. Never ending! Full page newspaper ads. The damn telephone ringing all day.

And, trust me. you wouldn't "have liked to seen 'some' of the political rhetoric," except for curiosity reasons. Not one meaningful point made by either side. Just all the negative reasons why you shouldn't vote for the other candidate because he's a coward, a slacker, a liar, a cheat, unpatriotic, a LIBERAL or a CONSERVATIVE (both of which are now being twisted into dirty insults by the opposing side). I wonder whatever happened to "my worthy opponent," and "the loyal opposition." Gone the way of "humility," and "consideration for others" I suppose. [/rant]


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton