"I'm slowly replacing an AR satellite (HC6) system I mistakenly bought a few months ago. "

Me too! Did you get suckered in by the two reviews that heaped praise on the system? There was one in The Perfect Vision by someone named Tom Wiilson, and another one online at HomeTheater Sound by Jeff Van Dyne that raved about this system to high heaven. Wiilson laid it on pretty thick, saying this was one of the most remarkable products he had found in 20 years of reviewing! I should have been suspicious that all the other reviews I could find rated it from slightly above to slightly below average for its price. To my ears there was a big hole in between where the sats died out and the subwoofer came in.

I am so happy with the M3s I bought. I can actually say the cliche that I'm hearing things in my favorite CDs that I didn't know were there! Especially vocal effects and accents that weren't audible before, now simply pop out. It's quite fun to pick out an old CD to get to hear new things in it!