I think we need to ask Nat for some clarification on the following statement :

>>I like the KEF sound but feel that they lack depth and clarity. They also strain with higher volumes. I do not like very high sounds and get ear fatigue listening to such speakers.

Depending on whether "high sounds" means "upper midrange and treble" or "loud noises" (probably distorted) that makes a big difference re: which speaker we would recommend.

re: current system lacking clarity, I have never heard a speaker better than Axioms for clarity. Many new owners comment that the are hearing nuances in their existing recordings that they simply never heard before.

I'm starting to suspect that "wonderful clarity + bad recordings" is the real issue when Axioms get branded as "bright"... and that it's the midrange area not the very high end where the real difference in clarity is made.

Nat, as Jag says it would really help if you could give us a few more details re: exactly what you like and dislike about your current system. Depending on how we interpret your first comments, either Axioms or Rockets are the obvious choice for your next system

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8