First I'd like to thank everyone for making me more aware to what exactly THX means. As I feel I am a newbie again at this, THX seemed like the way to go. Now I realize that it isn't necessary to have it to enjoy a good HT experience. I had crossed Yamaha off my books entirely because of no THX support in any of their products, but now I am looking at them again. I do think like cheseroo said, that standards are necessary. We wouldn't have an internet if there were 50 versions of TCP/IP around. I do believe that in 1977 when King George first started this, that it has revolutionized the industry to some degree. Now, we can all experience this same sound in the comfort of our homes. I think like anything else, THX will evolve and change, and the consumers can expect to spend big $$$ to keep up with it. But in the end, I agree Semi, let your ears be the judge, and after shooting competition for about 6 years, mine are I hope that future THX standards become publicized and more stringent, so that the public knows what they are getting. Not just be awed by that little logo on the front panel, not even sure of what it does.