To have "Speakers For Life" is without question the ultimate
complement anyone could make concerning their speakers. You
needen't have said anything furthur (But I'm glad you did!)

OK then. No sibilance in a "Bright" room but with Tube
gear. Makes sense, they'd balance out, and sound good.

"Foreward" Interestingly enough, I've not had a Foreward speaker, so I don't know if I'd like them or not! I'd read
in the past that Foreward was "Bad" and just kinda taken that as a Truth, or maybe an axiom or something. So for all
I know it may not be a problem at all.

Well then, another batch of good comments on the M60s! It
dosen't come as a supprise I suppose, considering the
overwelming popularity of them in the receint poll!

I thank you very much for your input and hope that you
continue to enjoy your speakers as much as I hope to enjoy

Thank you once again;