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Watching the ladies run from you as you approach them at a dance must be devastating!

Have you seen me? Have you heard my idea of a pick-up line? I believe the last one was "sorry, I wasn't staring at you all afternoon, I was just checking out my white balance on the screen behind you"... the fact I didn't ask to sniff her feet is the only thing that kept me from being maced (though, in my defense, we are friends now!)
In reply to:

Nice to see you again my friend! How goes the new venture up there?

The old new venture - ehh, turned into exactly what I thought it would, all the wrong people making all the wrong decisions. Fresh-faced new kids hired for other reasons are stepping on the 10+ year veterans' toes about everything. Don't know what they're doing, but everyone wants to play with the cool toys.

On the plus side - been approached by another pro team offering complete creative control and offering me 8x the budget to do it with. Though I will have to move... hmm, let me th - where's my suitcase? *laughs*

Bren R.