I have several strategies for getting those things I want. They are listed in favorite to least favorite in order.

All you need to do to get that new expensive toy is contemplate taking up a new hobby or sport she would consider excessively dangerous and or expensive(even if you consider it so as well). I used the old motorcycle ploy(probably one of the best), although I have a bike I just start talking about upgrading to a new supersport maybe even for racing( I dont like sport bikes too much and would probably kill myself if I tried to race one). Hehe. works like a charm. She is always afraid I will kill myself on my slow ass cruiser, the mere mention of a crotch rocket is almost as good as a blank check.

Or if your wife is the jealous type, like mine, think of something that would put you in close contact with younger prettier versions of her. It doesnt matter if it is something you would never do, just as long as she thinks you will. Then mention if you got the new toy you probably would not have time do such and such. Works sometimes.

And the last option is bribery. It isnt that your wife doesnt want you to have nice stuff, just that it is not really for both of you and sometimes can be quite expensive. This option can double the price of a purchase though. If your wife wants new furniture or piece of jewelry tell her that you both work hard and deserve to treat yourselves to something nice. Hopefully whatever she wants isnt too expensive. This sometimes will work, but might not be worth the price you pay. I have learned this the hard way. I have volunteered to do numerous projects such as painting and building and whatever thing she comes up with. A nice night out on the town, flowers, whatever it is she likes. Hopefully you know what your wife likes. If not you have more serious problems. Out of the blue do all these things that really seem to impress a wife. Wait on her hand and foot. Perform your manly duties like you used to before you were married. Cook for her etc... Do this every now and then and dont ask for anything. If you try to get that new $1000 DVD player the first time you wine and dine her she will smell a rat. Wifes are genetically fundamentally incapable of seeing the difference between a 39.99 WalMart special Apex DVD and a nice new Denon. Overall this tactic isnt too bad even if you dont get that new toy, you are bound to get something out of it...

The last option is not a pretty one. It can become quite nasty when you put the shoe on the other foot. Whenever she wants something I point out that it is not really necessary and costs too much. When she gets mad I tell her that is the same thing she tells me whenever I want something. This usually leads to arguments and name calling, and occasionally threats. I usually dont say anything when my wife makes big purchases, she apparently doesnt feel the need to discuss it before she buys a new $800 sewing machine. Sometimes it is good to treat them the way they treat you and they realize how annoying it is.

I would say get a new wife but you never know how they will change after they get that ring on their finger. Very high risk factor, not to mention the financial ruin of divorce that we men usually face.

If you find one that works for you be careful not to overuse it, it must be used when there is a must have situation at hand.

M80ti's, VP150, QS8's