I too have the 80s and am very happy with them.I will try to give you some info on how they sound to me .

First off I have mine in a stereo set up.When I listen to music I like to sit in the sweet spot with my eyes closed.As far as imaging goes when I sit and concentrate on what I'm listening to I can pretty much pick out where each instrument is in the recordings.The 80s seem to sound a bit closer than where the actual physical placement of them are,I would call this forward.It doesn't matter if I sit,stand or sit on the floor the image does not change.

As far as the sound I would call them very detailed.I mean a cymbal sounds like it should as does guitar,piano or whatever the instruments are at the time.There are times when I sit there with my eyes closed listening and when I open them the sound seems to be coming from way out of where the speakers are actually placed.When a singer is front and centered I swear it seems there is a center channel playing.In this respect I would say they are very focused,the sound doesn't wander around it stays planted in that position.

Well I hope this is what you were looking for Dennis.Like I said this is what I think my Axioms sound like.


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." Sigmund Freud