I have to admit that I'm guilty of constantly browsing the internet looking for reviews or discussions on some of the audio equipment I own. There is a certain satisfaction in reading good things about your own equipment. However, for the 100 positive returns there is always one person or reviewer who doesn't agree. Unfortunatley, it is that one thing that sticks in your head and makes you think, "Hm, did I make a mistake?" It is tough in this highly subjective audio world to get everyone to like the same things. And most of us, I think, want to have things that are liked by others. When someone comes along and has an experience that is different from almost everyone else on the boards, it kind of throws a wrench in the mix. Is the person being malicious, or just guilty of having different tastes? Finding the right tone to say you don't like something is difficult at best. Especially on a forum dedicated to the product that is being "bashed."

"Nothin' up my sleeve. . ." --Bullwinkle J. Moose